The American Daylily Society (ADS)*
If you’re excited to learn more about daylilies and meet other daylily aficianodos, join The American Daylily Society (ADS). Members receive the quarterly full-color publication, The Daylily Journal, plus a regional newsletter. National and regional activities include garden tours, auctions, daylily shows, seminars, youth opportunities, and more. The fabulous AHS website offers great daylily information, so be sure to take a look. A new members-only portal offers even more value for those who join.
New AHS members receive a voucher good for at least $25.00 toward daylilies from participating vendors (a minimum purchase may apply).
To join ADS, go to the ADS website at and look under the Society tab for membership.
The Daylily Dispatch is a free e-newsletter for ADS members and non-members alike. To sign up for your free subscription, go to Daylily Dispatch.
*Please note that in recent years, the American Hemerocallis Society began using the name American Daylily Society (ADS) to be more “user friendly.” ADS is still the same organization, busy educating the public and promoting daylilies and daylily culture worldwide!
Find a daylily club near you!
Local daylily clubs bring folks together for special presentations, garden tours, daylily shows, plant sales, and just plain daylily fun. To locate a club near you, click on; under “Society,” scroll to “Regions” and find your region.
No club near you? Start one! Contact your AHS Regional Director or Regional President if you need help.
AHS/ADS Region One—Where it all began!
Loon Song Gardens is located in ADS Region One, which includes Iowa, Manitoba, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. ADS assigns members to regions according to where they live (regions collect no addtional dues). ADS was founded in 1946 in Region One's Shenandoah, Iowa, as the Midwest Hemerocallis Society, which later became The American Hemerocallis Society, and is now called The American Daylily Society.
All Region One members receive two issues of The Daylily Pioneer as part of their ADS membership in addition to four issues of The Daylily Journal.
Follow Region One activities on the website: ADS Region One.
The Daylily Society of Minnesota
We encourage our Minnesota friends to join the Daylily Society of Minnesota (DSM), also known as the Hemerocallis Society of Minnesota (HSM). Enjoy terrific programs, local garden tours, daylily sales, auctions, science meetings, annual banquet, and great gardening camaraderie. The club newsletter informs members about upcoming events. Annual dues are only $5.00 per household—a real bargain! DSM is also open to members outside of Minnesota.
To join, send your name, address, email address, telephone number, and $5.00 (check payable to DSM) to:
Barry Whiteaker—Treasurer
10507 Vessey Road
Bloomington MN 55437
For more info and to see previous newsletters, visit the DSM website:
Garden tours and camaraderie—part of being a club member!